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Writ Large Presents Live Storytelling

Jul. 21, 2024 | 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
49 Wood Road Snowmass Village, CO 81615 [ MAP ]
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Enjoy an evening showcasing storytellers who will share their potent, thought-provoking and authentic tales presented by Writ Large.

Writ Large is part of a long tradition of live storytelling events in the Roaring Fork Valley. The series has touched the hearts of all involved: tellers and listeners.

Hosted by Alya Howe, coach and curator of Writ Large, she has been leading storytelling series up and down the valley. From the Wheeler Opera House to Thunder River Theatre, working for local non-profits and amplifying their story to open-call storytelling.

According to Alya, “a community that listens builds bridges of understanding and respect. It is a privilage to hold each other’s stories, being moved to tears and sharing laughter; feeling all the richer when the evening comes to a close.”

Enjoy stories from five local Roaring Fork Valley community members for an evening of enlightenment and entertainment.

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